Common Forms
General AIM Forms
AIM General Info/First Time Visit Form: English and Spanish.
Common Social Work Forms
M11Q - Home Health Aid
NYS DOH Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Service (CDPAS) - home health aid chosen by the patient.
Access-a-Ride/Paratransit Certification - Communicate with the Social Work assistant when transportation is needed.
Advance Directive Forms
Health Care Proxy - In English and Spanish. Other language translations.
Out of Hospital DNR - In English and Spanish. A single-purpose and easy to fill out order to ensure patient does not receive CPR at home. Consider MOSLT, below, for more robust advance care planning/do not hospitalize orders.
MOLST - For out-of-hospital DNR and do not hospitalize orders. Be sure to go through the appropriate checklist to ensure your form is completed correctly.
Clinical Referral Forms
PET Scan - Fillable PDF. Fax to number on top right of form.
Palliative Care Referral - For outpatients in need of palliative care services. Return via e-mail or fax, number on form.
Department of Health Letter Regarding Repeat CXR for Latent TB
When you have a patient with documented latent TB and a negative chest X-ray, there is no need to repeat a chest X-ray annually! This letter from the department of health can spare a lot of patients a lot of radiation.